
来源: 作者: 时间:2014-11-27


Declaration for the Third International Taoist Forum
26th November 2014
    The Taoist Religion /Taoism encourages us to Act in Concord with the Tao so that we may Establish Virtue, to Aid the World and Benefit Others.
    In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor sought edification in the Way, the Ultimate Lord transmitted his Classic, the Heavenly Master established his teachings and Master Chongyang journeyed East. Each of these reverend figures acted so, having perceived the Mysterious Subtlety of the Great Tao, putting the Ultimate Goodness of the Greatest Virtue into Practice.
    At present, science and technology flourishes and people’s minds turn towards goodness, however, there are still problems to address in the areas of the natural environment, society and human civilization. The solution open to us today is to take our stand in the present and maintain our traditions; to draw together within the halls of the Taoist religion /Taoism and bathe in its Mysterious Aura; to respect and trust each other, allowing for differences whilst /while seeking common  ground; bringing an end to conflict and enjoying the fruits of cooperation together.
    In the early winter of the year Jiawu (2014), at the home of the Heavenly Masters, we find ourselves amongst the russet stones and emerald forests of winding mountain ranges. Celestial guests from home and abroad gather here, honourable visitors from East and West join together. With the sounds of our discussing the Classic Taoteaching in the year Dinghai (2007) and debating the Tao in the year Xinmao (2011) still fresh in our hearts, we come, in order to listen to the Ultimate Tao, to this Paradise on Earth, to be spiritually revived by the Dark Mirror. We aim to restore sincerity, to dispel falsity and preserve the genuine; we expound upon charitable love in order to benefit others without doing harm; we seek spiritual and physical health through the practice of wellbeing; praising the axis of all living things, the natural state shared by us all. The forum, which shall last for two days will see our ideas elevated through our debate /talks and discussions; our knowledge will be thoroughly united through our interactions. A culture of many facets, seeking the common ground that exists alongside our individuality, may our discussions range from the topics of ancient times to the present, bringing us to common understanding and concord:
May we act in accordance with the ways of nature and respect all living things,
may harmonious acceptance neutralize conflict;
may we embody Pure Stillness in body and spirit,
washed clean of greed and desire, in recognizance of our plenty, may we live long and enjoy great foresight.
The Heavens are Pure and the Earth is Still, and thus all living things may thrive;
our original nature is still and quiet, let it remain so without disturbance or opposition.
We join together in the name of the Tao and respect one another in the name of Virtue;
may we seek to Benefit Others without Doing Harm, to act without entering into competition or striving.
The multitude of appearances is multifarious; the Great Tao is simplicity in the extreme;
following the way of Nature, may we embrace our original simplicity and preserve our true natures.
May we practice the Tao and establish Virtue, acting in concord with the Heavens and feeling sympathy for others;
may we work towards goodness and self-improvement, aiding the world and benefitting others!